ホーム > 小川 浩

小川 浩

名前 小川 浩
カナ オガワ ヒロシ


1942年生まれ。昭和女子大学特任教授。[専門]英語学。 [著書・論文]Old English Modal Verbs: A Syntactical Study, Copenhagen, 1989. Studies in the History of Old English Prose, 南雲堂, 2000。’Language and Style in Two Anonymous Old English Easter Homilies,’ Inside Old English: Essays in Honour of Bruce Mitchell, ed. John Walmskey, pp. 203-21, Oxford U. P., 2006. ‘Hagiography in Homily-Theme and Style in Ælfric’s Two Part Homily on SS Peter and Paul,’ Review of English Studies, Advance Access published on August 5, 2009; doi:10.1093/res/hgp003
